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© 2018 FastMed Urgent Care

FastMed’s services address a wide spectrum of urgent care and family medicine needs. In addition to providing immediate walk-in attention for an injury or illness, FastMed provides routine services including flu shots, occupational medicine and school or sports physicals. Urgent care locations are in Arizona, North Carolina and Texas.

FastMed clinics hold the Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval® for accreditation in compliance with the Joint Commission’s national standards for health care quality and safety in ambulatory health care.

We have put in one place the various policies that are important for our patients to understand. Here you can find FastMed's Notice of Non-Discrimination, Notice of Privacy Practices, Privacy Policy, Equal Opportunity Employer Statement and's Terms of Use.

Most clinics open 7 days a week. Visit for your nearest location, for hours of operation by clinic, and holiday hours.