How Much Do You Have To Pay To Be Seen At A Urgent Care In AZ?
How much do you have to pay to be seen at a Urgent Care in AZ? The answer depends on which urgent care clinic you go to. FastMed Urgent Care offers an affordable, cost efficient option for those seeking quality care. FastMed Urgent Care accepts just about all types of major insurance, so if you have health coverage more than likely you are covered. However, if you don’t have health insurance and want to pay out of pocket, there are options available for you.
FastMed Urgent Care offers a discount program for those paying out of pocket for their medical care. With the FastMed Discount Program, for $35 you and your entire family will be covered by any FastMed location at any time. In-house testing and a doctor’s visit are offered for a discounted rate of $99. An additional discount rate of $225 will cover other services such as treatment of burns, IV therapy, incision and drainage, splints, and toenail removal. When you find yourself asking how much do you have to pay to be seen at a urgent care in AZ, remember that FastMed Urgent Care offers affordable options.