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Is there anything better than breathing in the fresh mountain air of Candler, NC? Nestled in the Hominy Valley, Candler is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts in search of beautiful scenery and adventure. However, the unforgiving winters in Candler often breed fevers, sore throats, viruses, and respiratory infections. Luckily, you can connect with the medical professionals at FastMed Urgent Care on Smokey Park Highway.

Should you be enjoying the wintry beauty in Candler, but feel that sluggish ache set in, you might be asking yourself: “What should I do if I have a fever and sore throat?” Look no further than FastMed Urgent Care. FastMed is the largest urgent care network in North Carolina and has extended hours during the week and on weekends to ensure you always get the treatment you need with no appointment required.

FastMed Tells You What to Do if You Have a Fever and Sore Throat in Candler, NC.

What to Do if You Have a Fever and Sore Throat in Candler, NCHaving a fever and sore throat can signify several illnesses, including a cold, strep throat, or tonsillitis. Read to find out more about these illnesses, their causes, and their treatment.

  • The common cold is a viral infection of the upper respiratory system. Did you know that the human body can’t build up resistance to all of the viruses that can cause the common cold? It’s true! That’s why it is the most common and recurring infectious disease in humans.
  • Strep throat is a bacterial infection in the throat and tonsils and affects 11 million people in the United States each year.
  • Tonsillitis has both viral and bacterial causes. It causes inflammation and swelling of the tonsils. Although tonsillitis is more prevalent in children, it can occur at any age.


  • There is no cure for the common cold, but some medications can help relieve the symptoms.
  • Today, rapid strep tests can determine if you have strep throat within minutes.  If the test is positive for strep, your healthcare provider will most likely treat the infection with antibiotics.
  • Tonsillitis that is caused by a virus will usually go away on its own, as antibiotics are not effective in treating viral infections. To relieve discomfort, many doctors recommend drinking warm tea or taking ibuprofen.

Whether you have a fever and sore throat, want a flu shot, or need trustworthy medical advice, FastMed Urgent Care in Candler has you covered. We accept most insurance plans, offer discount programs to self-pay patients, and provide online check-in to reduce wait times. Want a flow of fun and updated information? Follow us on Twitter!

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